Passive sources of income to achieve financial independence

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In our course “Financial freedom – Wealth management and financial planning ” we will divide the different passive sources of income into 3 main categories:

1.  Money makes more money –

     Passive income investing

If you have some money already, the smart thing to do is to let it work for you, how can you do it? here are a few ways:

2. The entrepreneurial way, build your own destiny – Work once and get paid for good.

Here are some of great ideas of generating passive income, we believe that you should go through all of them and see what fits you best, but more than that the main purpose is to open your mind so that maybe you could come out with your own creative way of generating passive income and achieving financial freedom:

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3. Allowances

Not our focus in that course, but still may be an important part of your passive income:

  • Alimony, Child Support or Child Trust Fund
  • Life annuity
  • Pensions

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